Perceive, Recall, Plan & Perform System of Task Analysis

Assessment Course, Auckland - November 2024


November :  Wednesday 20th – Sunday 24th



Yarnton House, CCS Disability Action, 14 Erson Ave, Royal Oak, Auckland 1061.



Morning tea, light lunch, and afternoon tea included in the course fee


Registration Fees

Early Bird continues to the Course

$2,285.00 incl GST


Please note: The full course fee is required with your registration to secure your place on the course


Course Instructors

Christine Chapparo

Dr Christine Chapparo




Judy RankaDr Judy Ranka DHlthSc, MA, BSc, OTR

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Course Description

The Perceive, Recall, Plan & Perform (PRPP) Assessment is part of the PRPP System of Task Analysis – an interactive system of assessment and intervention that is based on task analysis methodology. The PRPP Assessment is a standardised, person-centred, criterion-referenced, occupational therapy assessment of occupational performance. It is used with clients of any age, gender, diagnosis, or cultural background whose performance is compromised by difficulties in meeting the cognitive demands of occupations and contexts. The assessment yields information about performance mastery and cognitive strategy application. Strategy application is assessed by scoring behaviours that align with dimensions of attention and perception (Perceive), learning, memory and recall (Recall), planning, decision-making and judgment (Plan), and the capacity to act on decisions and follow-through with plans (Perform).

The PRPP Assessment is used internationally and has been translated into several languages. It has established validity in a variety of practice domains including neurology, mental health, learning disabilities, autism, chronic pain, HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders, and dementia.  Acceptable reliability has been demonstrated following training.

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This course is only open to Occupational Therapists.

Learn More About PRPP

What Occupational Therapists say about the PRPP Course


The Presenters

Chameleon Courses is thrilled to welcome Dr Chris Chapparo and Dr Judy Ranka back to Aotearoa/New Zealand shores for this seventh PRPP course. 

Chris and Judy are occupational therapists, researchers and educators with extensive national and international teaching experience. 


Chris and Judy jointly developed the Occupational Performance Model Australia (OPMA), the theoretical model underpinning the  PRPP Assessment and Intervention Systems. Both are internationally renowned lecturers and have published extensively.

In their spare time, both Chris and Judy travel the world to present PRPP courses, and it is a privilege to have the opportunity to host them again in Aotearoa. For more information visit:


Christine Chapparo

Dr Chris Chapparo

Chris is an Associate Professor in Occupational Therapy at the University of Sydney. Chris teaches and supervises undergraduate and post-graduate research students at the University.

In 2006 she was awarded a University of Sydney Excellence in Teaching Award. Her research portfolio has included occupational therapy theory development, ecological assessment of cognitive strategy application, effect of strategies to improve school performance of children with sensory processing and learning disorders, understanding resilience in traumatized children, and the impact of orthotic, casting and physical guidance interventions on upper limb and hand function.


Judy Ranka

Dr Judy Ranka

Judy is the Director and Principal Occupational Therapist of the Occupational Performance Network, Sydney Australia and an Academic Lecturer at the University of Sydney in the Discipline of Occupational Therapy. Judy’s current research interests include occupational therapy theory development, ecological assessment and intervention for cognitive strategy application disorders in adults with neurological disorders (including HIV Associated Neurocognitive Disorder), and ecological assessment and intervention for reach, grasp and release disorders in adults with neurological disorders.


Aotearoa New Zealand PRPP Instructors

Joining Chris and Judy on this course will be Wendy Burrows PhD candidate, PG DipHSc, DipCOT, NZROT and Arul Hamill DipOT, NZROT, and Sherryll Leeson, BHScOT, NZROT.

Course Description

The PRPP Assessment course will explain and cover the theoretical constructs of the PRPP, including an overview of the Occupational Performance Model (Australia), task analysis and information processing theory.  A safe, open and fun learning environment is provided to facilitate your learning and ensure you gain the skills to be able to use this assessment.

Videos are used throughout the course to weave theoretical knowledge with practical application and you will learn through practice with plenty of opportunities to administer each stage of the PRPP, including:

  • Stage One PRPP
  • Stage Two PRPP
  • Stage One and Two PRPP combined



  • Describe the occupational therapy, neurosciences and educational foundation of the assessment, and its psychometric properties.
  • Assess and score task performance mastery from videotaped examples using Stage One of the PRPP Assessment.
  • Assess and score cognitive strategy application behaviours demonstrated during task performance using Stage Two of the PRPP Assessment.
  • Write specific, measurable occupational performance mastery and strategy application goals for clients assessed.
  • Use the PRPP Assessment as a person-specific occupational performance outcome measure.
  • Begin to use assessment findings to determine a focus for occupational therapy intervention.


Learn More About PRPP

PRPP is based on information processing theory applied to human function and can explain how people make sense of their world, decide on a course of action, and carry out life tasks.

PRPP is based on the Occupational Performance Model (Australia) (Chapparo & Ranka, 1997: and combines occupational performance with the cognitive and perceptual components.

Whilst many traditional tests of cognition and perception bear little correlation with occupational performance in everyday situations, PRPP seeks to explain a person’s function in the real world, linked to their occupational performance and .so can be applied with all client-groups. The skills of assessment planning leading to intervention learned from this course will form an essential part of any occupational therapist’s competencies and occupational lens.


  • Is a standardized criterion referenced assessment tool where test items are relevant to the individual client
  • Can include any role or occupation that is appropriate to an occupational need, life experience, and cultural background
  • Uses the individual client’s typical everyday activities or routines
  • Is culturally appropriate for each individual and his/her cultural values

PRPP can be used to measure change & establish measurable outcomes.


PRPP helps occupational therapists to:

  • Identify occupational performance mastery goals
  • Determine the occupational performance focus of intervention
  • Identify the information processing operations that interfere with a client’s performance
  • Establish specific processing aims and goals
  • Use strengths based approach

What Occupational Therapists Say About The PRPP Assessment Course


JR - The PRPP answers the questions, "Can the person do the task? What task errors do they make? Why do they make these mistakes?"

The PRPP System is a standardised, criterion-referenced assessment that can be used to assess how well someone performs an everyday task or routine according to set criteria. This is used as an occupation-based outcome measure. The PRPP assessment then guides therapists in identifying the cognitive capacities and difficulties a person demonstrate when they perform the task. This assists in creating an explanation for why the person makes the task mistakes they do and what cognitive strengths the person demonstrates. The cognitive capacities are considered from an information processing perspective.  Specific dimensions assessed include attention and perception, memory and recall, planning, problem solving, decision making and judgement, and several cognitive motor abilities such as initiation and continuation.

The PRPP System can be used with any client including those who are comatose as well as those who have high level cognitive difficulties. The assessment tasks are ones that the therapist, client and/or client care-givers identify as being meaningful and relevant to that client.

In comparison to other occupation-based assessments, such as the AMPS: The AMPS answers the question, “Can the person do the task? What motor and process units do they perform?”  Tasks are ones that are selected from a list.  Intervention focuses on compensation. The PRPP answers the questions, “Can the person do the task? What task errors do they make?  Why do they make these mistakes?” 

Tasks can be any that are relevant – ranging from sub-tasks, tasks, routines, roles.  Intervention focuses on addressing task performance as well as the information processing operations needed to perform better.


SL - The intervention techniques can be seamlessly woven into rehabilitation.

The PRPP Assessment and Intervention Courses have enabled me to achieve excellent outcomes within my practice context of vocational rehabilitation. PRPP intervention fits well with CMOP-E and has dramatically improved my ability to enable occupation with clients experiencing cognitive challenges resulting from head injury, mental illness, neurological conditions, etc.

The intervention techniques can be seamlessly woven into rehabilitation. Clients appreciate the practical, solution-based approach, and achieve satisfaction from generalising their strategies to their chosen occupations.


MF - I work in a special education unit within a primary school and have found the course invaluable in my practice.

I did the PRPP course 3 years ago. I work in a special education unit within a primary school and have found the course invaluable in my practice.  I had first heard about the PRPP when I did a post-grad paper on Cognitive approaches for Children with Disabilities. I really liked the PRPP’s holistic look at how we use our “thinking” to guide our “doing”.

The traditional focus of OT on visual perception and at the other end, outcome skills seemed to leave a big gap and the PRPP gathers together all the in between stuff of how a task is carried out and how we as therapists can plan interventions to increase a student’s ability to ‘follow through on the “doing” better. The Occupational Performance Model (Australia) OPMA is introduced on the course as the PRPP sits inside this. I have found that the OPMA fits well as a structure for my school-based practice.

BA - I found the course very motivating and have used the assessments in both my private practice and work setting.

I think PRPP is an excellent approach and gives a great foundation to my practice. The assessment can be tailored to any client/occupation based situation to help analyse and establish where the difficulties lie and to determine what is the main barrier to their success. I found the course very motivating and have used the assessments in both my private practice and work setting.

S - Teachers love it! Parents love it!

I became excited about the PRPP when I noticed that assessment results on standardised tests which were available to OT’s were either inconsistent with what teachers and myself were observing in the classroom or were totally irrelevant to what was happening in the classroom. The PRPP is ecological and occupation based so it is possible to identify errors in a child’s performance in a real world dynamic environment – not the vacuum of a withdrawal assessment. Not only can the assessment be used to describe performance on tasks but it can also be used to describe participation with people. We have been using and applying the PRPP with children of all ages from preschool to high school – across motor based academics and social skills domains.

Teachers love it!  Parents love it! All because it describes their priority concerns – participation: meaningful and purposeful engagement with tasks and with people. Our referrals just keep on increasing at a rapid rate – I assume because the assessment process ‘hits the hot spot’.


SL - To be honest I think this is the best course I have ever attended.

I used the assessment yesterday for a client with {..} and it was brilliant being able to articulate everything so clearly to the client, case manager, and psychiatrist. I didn’t think that for my first one I could do such a complex computer based work task but it worked really well.

To be honest I think this is the best course I have ever attended and have attended many over the years. Thanks so much for introducing me to PRPP – I just love it!! … thanks so much to you and your team for all your great work and getting this into our world.


LD - allows one to identify all the positives with parents and teachers.

I have been meaning to write to say thanks Chameleon Courses for bringing Judy and Chris over to do this course … great organisation was again appreciated. [..] I have used it on three kids so far and it does really allow one to see what the significant problems are in the child’s information processing and also allows one to identify all the positives with parents and teachers.

JA - really enjoying using the assessment … consistently using it with good results.

I am really enjoying using the assessment … consistently using it with good results; finding it really culturally appropriate and it can be used for all occupations and all age ranges and occupational context. Another real strength that the assessment has provided is a language that has strengthened and supported my understandings around occupational analysis of everyday tasks and the varied ways people do occupations and practical ways to coach the people we serve to do the occupations that want and need to do. I really enjoy the framework that PRPP has given me.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of clients and tasks can be assessed using the PRPP assessment?

The PRPP assessment is suitable for use with a person of any age, gender, culture or disability, performing any relevant tasks in any real world context. Two to four tasks are chosen for observation based on the needs / desires of the person and / or the person’s role partners.


Is there a PRPP assessment kit and are there any additional costs to using the assessment following attending the assessment course?

The PRPP assessment has no additional costs other than the course fee; there is no assessment kit to purchase and no ongoing costs to score the assessment or need to recalibrate. Reproducible score sheets are provided in the course manual. These may be photocopied and used by anyone who has attended the course.  In addition course participants learn to devise their own PRPP interview templates specific to their work setting.


Can a therapist who has attended the PRPP assessment course teach colleagues how to use the PRPP assessment?

No…The PRPP assessment, cannot be on taught to others since the validity and reliability of the PRPP assessment are dependent on the accurate application of the scoring system. This is learnt through attendance on the course where extensive video analysis is used for a range of different clients with a wide range of diagnoses, performing many different types of tasks or routines.  Therapists are taught how apply the criteria referenced scoring system.

Therapists practice using the assessment on the course; this ensures that they are able to score the assessment within a reliable range.  It is this process and practice on the course which ensures therapists are consistent with the application of the PRPP assessment and which makes certain that the PRPP remains a reliable standardised outcome measure.


How long does it take to administer the PRPP assessment?

Stage One can be administered and scored during the time it takes the person to do the task. Stage Two can be administered during the task performance and takes approximately 10-15 minutes to score once a therapist is familiar with the assessment.


Can therapists use the PRPP assessment following attending only the assessment course, and how useful is it?

Absolutely and Definitely!

After attending the PRPP assessment course therapists can administer and score both Stage One and Stage Two of the PRPP assessment.  This establishes a measurable clear baseline of a client’s occupational performance for any subtask, task, routine or role. Like any new learning though the principle of ‘use it or lose it’ applies.

Stage One provides information of the steps the client needs to achieve in order to successfully do the task. It identifies if it there are errors of accuracy, repetition, timing (i.e. too slow or fast) or steps which have been omitted which are affecting the task performance. Occupational therapy intervention can then be directly based on this assessment information e.g. the client can be taught the steps they need to learn or when they need to stop a step and move to the next part of the task.

During the assessment course some strategies are presented for therapists to use in their occupational therapy intervention to reduce Stage One errors, and therefore increase a client’s occupational performance.  So although emphasis is on the assessment phase of the PRPP – you do go away with some understanding of intervention and what to do.

Stage Two goes more in-depth and assesses how a person’s applies information processing strategies needed for the task. Using the assessment information gained from Stage  Two, therapists can more accurately plan their occupational therapy intervention.  The terminology used in Stage Two is easily understood by clients and their families, providing therapists with a comprehensive means to explain clients’ strengths and challenges.  Since the PRPP assessment is applicable to any person performing any task, attendance on a PRPP assessment course provides skills for occupational therapists to use directly on return to their work in any practice setting and in any real life context … a very valuable tool!


Is there a standard report format which is used following the PRPP assessment?

No … There is no standard template as this would be restrictive however the PRPP assessment tool provides two outcome measures which can be stated in an objective way and can be included in an occupational therapy report.  Report examples are provided to enable therapist to develop report templates relevant for their work setting.

Stage One measures the percentage of mastery (skill) of occupational performance,  for example the percentage accuracy of dressing, or making a cup of tea, using a wheelchair to access another room and line up for a transfer, go shopping, draw a picture or any task needing assessment that is relevant for the persons to achieve. This percentage can be used in a report, e.g. Mrs Jones scored 50% mastery when undressing and dressing her upper garments. Then, following occupational therapy intervention the assessment can be repeated to measure change and outcome as many times as needed.

Stage Two provides percentage scores of the information processing difficulties the person has related to the occupational performance of the task used in Stage One. Some examples are the person’s capacity to perceive information such as noticing relevant sensory stimuli, maintaining attention, discriminating between objects, recall facts, knowing where and how long to do things, remembering the steps of the task, planning, organising and sequencing task, knowing when to start and stop within the task, ability to persist with the activity, and the ability to control and adjust movement needed for the task. These scores can be easily plotted on to a spider graph to provide a visual representation of the person’s performance and areas of limitations.
An example of Stage Two is the graph below which can be inserted into a report:

Stage 2

The green area would extend to the outside edge of the graph if the person was 100% accurate in all aspects of information processing for the task (NB. not all tasks require 100% accuracy – this criteria is set at the outset of the assessment).  So for this person their strengths are remembering the facts of a task and their limitations are sensing and attending to relevant information for the task, recalling when and where to do things, difficulties evaluating and judging performance and not continuing with the task till it is completed.

Of course details of exactly what they are not attending to etc. would be added to a report. Options for recording this information in a report are taught on the  course, however there is no set procedure and therapists can develop report structures which best suit their own setting and client group needs, and can be incorporated into their particular style of report writing.


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