Research Projects of Interest

This space is dedicated to sharing information on Aotearoa New Zealand research projects of interest to you.

PRPP Research

Research Question:
Adopting the Perceive, Recall, Plan and Perform System of Task Analysis (PRPP) Assessment into practice in Aotearoa New Zealand: Influences on on clinical reasoning

Researcher: Wendy Burrows is presently studying for PhD at AUT University, Auckland

Supervisors: Professor Clare Hocking (Principal Supervisor) and Associate Professor Christine Chapparo (Second Supervisor)

This research builds on Wendy’s previous study which explored the experiences of PRPP trained occupational therapists applying the PRPP assessment in Aotearoa New Zealand.The next stage of the research is focussed on occupational therapists’ thinking i.e. what occupational therapists consider when they decide to use the PRPP assessment with a person, the conclusions they draw as they observe someone, what puzzles them, what they’re confident about, how they report the results and the decisions they make about intervention based on the results.

The study aims to provide insights into how using the PRPP assessment influences occupational therapists’ clinical reasoning and how an occupation-based assessment shapes occupational therapists’ thinking, decision making and therapeutic actions. Findings will be of interest to existing PRPP trained occupational therapists, those considering the training, funding agencies and the wider occupational therapy profession. It is anticipated the findings will also guide the content of future PRPP courses to align with occupational therapists’ practice realities.



Supervision Research

Research Question:
What discourses are at play that impact the supervision relationship and process for occupational therapists in the Aotearoa New Zealand healthcare context? A Critical Discourse Analysis

Researcher: Carolyn Simmons Carlsson is currently studying for her Doctor of Health Science at AUT University, Auckland

Supervisors:  Professor Clare Hocking (Principal Supervisor) and Dr Philippa Smith (Second Supervisor)

Carolyn is applying Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) methodology to focus on her research question; in particular the range of different and potentially conflicting discourses that expose occupational therapy supervisors and supervisees to possible confusion and risk in supervision. Data sources are written texts drawn from publically accessible domains such as supervision documents from professional and regulatory websites, relevant workplace policies and guidelines and disciplinary cases citing supervision.  Using CDA documents will be analytically examined to tease out and understand the main discourses for supervision, including any socially-situated meanings within the discourses that may influence and shape the nature of supervision for occupational therapists. The aim is to explore the discursive effects impacting supervision for the occupational therapy profession; demystify any taken for granted concepts and highlight some of the tensions, risks and potential power dynamics at play. Findings will be of interest to all occupational therapists and their supervisors and employers, as well as the professional association and responsible authority, other allied health professions who engage in supervision and for those who wish to understand supervision through a critical lens.


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